Monday, March 15, 2010

Brann Spankin' New

I remember, way back in the day, (Not like that was long ago. I'm only 21.) when sitting down at the computer to blog was a lot easier. Angsty teens can come up with the craftiest things! I regret not saving my login information, at times. I would really love to see what crazy things I decided to write about.

I guess this is just my attempt to create an outlet for myself outside of daily life. I've just moved states with my fiance, and can't find my journal in the mess we have lying around in boxes.

I'm going to keep this one short and sweet. I have plans for this blog, although not planned well, and I'd like to utilize this. I'd like to input things about my life, and incorporate things about make-up. I love love love make-up so you'll be seeing (hopefully) pictures and inspiration.

Until next time. I have no idea when that will be. I need to organize.
